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Album Titre Alt. Durée Compo/Artiste Description Mots-clés Key BPM
UBM2496 Easy Plucker
[UBM2496 - 2] NEW
7 2'04 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Eb 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (Reduced 1)
[UBM2496 - 24]
0 1'48 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Eb 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (Reduced 2)
[UBM2496 - 25]
0 2'04 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Gm 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (STEM Bass)
[UBM2496 - 26]
0 2'06 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Eb 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (STEM Drums)
[UBM2496 - 27]
0 2'06 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Abm 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (STEM Pads)
[UBM2496 - 28]
0 2'06 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Eb 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (STEM Piano)
[UBM2496 - 29]
0 2'06 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Eb 120
UBM2496 Easy Plucker (STEM Plucks)
[UBM2496 - 30]
0 2'06 Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener Airy minimalism at a medium pace. Piano chords and a warm bass give ... interrogatif underscore en attente marimba ... Gm 120
CEZ4484 Mischievous Phenomenon ...
[CEZ4484 - 34]
1 2'11 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Taquin, appliqué, consciencieux & ... cyclique épuré sciences underscore ... Fm 119
CEZ4484 Mischievous Phenomenon
[CEZ4484 - 11]
0 2'11 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Taquin, appliqué, consciencieux & faussement mystérieux presque ... cyclique sciences underscore interrogatif ... Fm 60
CEZ4640 Curiosity
[CEZ4640 - 1]
1 2'08 Laurent Dury Dramedy / Comédie légère. Espiègle, sautillant & curieux. ... marimba dramedy mystérieux en attente ... Dm 120
CEZ4640 Curiosity Alternate
[CEZ4640 - 12]
0 2'09 Laurent Dury Version alternative. Marimba & vibraphone. marimba dramedy mystérieux en attente ... Dm 120
CEZ4428 Be Careful Please [Alternate]
[CEZ4428 - 42]
0 01'47 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Alternate dépouillée. Neutre, investigatif, interrogatif & ... en attente patient interrogatif dramedy ... D 68
CEZ4592 Chop Chop
[CEZ4592 - 2]
1 1'53 Thomas Didier Underscore suspense. Ludique, léger & malicieux. Accelerando @ 1'21 ... patient temps (tic-tac) jeux TV quiz cyclique ... C 115
CEZ4592 Chop Chop Alternate
[CEZ4592 - 17]
0 1'53 Thomas Didier Version alternative sans percussion. jeux TV quiz patient cyclique dramedy ... C 115
CEZ4618 Like An Anomaly
[CEZ4618 - 2]
1 2'36 Thomas Lucas Minimal Electro / Investigation. Intriguant, en suspens, séquencé & ... investigation en attente interrogatif mystérieux ... Bm 89
CEZ4618 Like An Anomaly Alternate
[CEZ4618 - 11]
0 2'34 Thomas Lucas Version alternative sans percussion. investigation en attente interrogatif mystérieux ... Bm 90
CEZ4566 Working Time
[CEZ4566 - 14]
3 1'49 Sebastian Dierksen, Louis Edlinger En suspens, patient & minimaliste. Electronics avec effet de delay & ... en suspens épuré organique electro patient ... Am 109
CEZ4566 Working Time Alternate 1
[CEZ4566 - 56]
0 1'49 Sebastian Dierksen, Louis Edlinger Version alternative destructurée en suspens épuré organique electro patient ... Am 109
CEZ4566 Working Time Alternate 2
[CEZ4566 - 57]
0 1'49 Sebastian Dierksen, Louis Edlinger Version alternative (percussions légères & FX) épuré organique electro sciences constant ... A 109
CEZ4566 Working Time Alternate 3
[CEZ4566 - 58]
0 1'49 Sebastian Dierksen, Louis Edlinger Version alternative dépouillée. épuré silence en suspens patient ... A 109
CEZ4618 Equations
[CEZ4618 - 3]
0 2'43 Borussia Minimal Electro / Investigation. Réfléchi, investigatif, obstiné, ... interrogatif patient cyclique introspectif ... Ebm 165
CEZ4320 So What?
[CEZ4320 - 9]
0 1'51 Gréco Casadesus Interrogatif & patient. Pizz, cordes & glockenspiel. interrogatif pizzicato artisanat patient ... Em 94
CEZ4484 Chance and Necessity Alternate
[CEZ4484 - 23]
1 1'59 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Lumineux, cyclique, réfléchi, ... interrogatif cyclique en attente narratif ... F 115
CEZ4484 Chance and Necessity
[CEZ4484 - 1]
0 1'59 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Obstiné, intriguant & interrogatif, presque dramedy. Contrebasse, ... en attente interrogatif cyclique narratif ... C 116
CEZ4592 Solving the Crime
[CEZ4592 - 6]
1 1'38 Thomas Didier Underscore suspense. Mystérieux, nocturne & patient. Synthé & fx ... en attente investigation patient temps (tic-tac) ... Ebm 112
CEZ4592 Solving the Crime Alternate
[CEZ4592 - 20]
0 1'38 Thomas Didier Version alternative sans fx chrono. hypnotique mystérieux temps (tic-tac) patient ... Ebm 112
CEZ4521 Shift of the Motion Alternate
[CEZ4521 - 53]
1 2'17 Benoît Cimbé Version alternative minimaliste & neutre. patient sciences Ambient (toutes) cyclique ... Em 120
CEZ4521 Shift of the Motion
[CEZ4521 - 18]
0 2'18 Benoît Cimbé En réflexion, calme & neutre avec nappes discrètes, séquences ... patient sciences Ambient (toutes) cyclique ... Em 119
CEZ4485 A Day as Usual
[CEZ4485 - 1]
0 1'54 Benjamin Doherty Confiant mais légèrement soucieux. Cordes pizzicato, vibraphone & ... artisanat cinéma indépendant charmant destin ... Bm 130
CEZ4428 Be Careful Please
[CEZ4428 - 9]
3 01'47 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Neutre, investigatif, cliquetant, interrogatif & décalé. Piano, ... interrogatif investigation patient clavier électrique ... D 67
CEZ4428 Be Careful Please [Alternate ...
[CEZ4428 - 43]
0 01'47 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Alternate piano & chime. Neutre, investigatif, interrogatif & ... en attente patient interrogatif dramedy ... D 67
CEZ4428 Be Careful Please [Alternate ...
[CEZ4428 - 44]
0 01'47 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Alternate rythmique seul. Neutre, investigatif, interrogatif & ... en attente patient interrogatif dramedy ... Dm 68
CEZ4428 Be Careful Please [Alternate ...
[CEZ4428 - 45]
0 01'47 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Alternate piano seul. Neutre, investigatif, interrogatif & décalé. en attente patient interrogatif dramedy ... D 67
CEZ4484 Awaiting Responses
[CEZ4484 - 14]
1 1'53 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner A la fois cotonneux & lumineux, interrogatif & ponctué. Violoncelle ... neutre sciences narratif underscore ... E 114
CEZ4484 Awaiting Responses Alternate
[CEZ4484 - 37]
0 1'53 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. A la fois cotonneux & lumineux, ... neutre sciences épuré narratif ... E 114
CEZ4320 What Do You Think?
[CEZ4320 - 1]
0 2'01 Baptiste Thiry Interrogatif & confiant. Piano, harpe & electronics. interrogatif film d'entreprise artisanat confiant ... Ebm 88
CEZ4533 Data Science Mystery ...
[CEZ4533 - 35]
1 2'15 Louis Edlinger Version alternate minimaliste. Pulsation & percussions seules. épuré pulsation patient underscore ... Dm 115
CEZ4533 Data Science Mystery
[CEZ4533 - 9]
0 2'22 Louis Edlinger Underscore/bed. Organic electro. En suspens, calme, narratif, ... cybernetics cristallin interrogatif investigation ... Am 115
CEZ4484 An Uncertain Diagnosis ...
[CEZ4484 - 44]
1 1'56 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Hésitant, interrogatif, irrégulier ... cyclique sciences basse électrique constant ... D 100
CEZ4484 An Uncertain Diagnosis
[CEZ4484 - 16]
0 1'56 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Hésitant, interrogatif, irrégulier & en suspens. Basse électrique, ... cyclique sciences basse électrique constant ... D 100
CEZ4521 Soft Rain Alternate
[CEZ4521 - 51]
1 1'56 Benjamin Doherty Version alternative minimaliste & neutre. épuré neutre pluie Ambient (toutes) ... G 107
CEZ4521 Soft Rain
[CEZ4521 - 16]
0 1'48 Benjamin Doherty Linéaire, paisible, neutre & répétitif avec synthé, kalimba & ... neutre Ambient (toutes) épuré interrogatif ... G 107
CEZ4370 Furtively
[CEZ4370 - 10]
3 1'41 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Comme une scène de dramedy. Hésitant, dépouillé & subreptice. ... interrogatif dramedy épuré investigation ... Am 60
CEZ4370 Furtively Alternate
[CEZ4370 - 48]
0 1'41 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Comme une scène de dramedy. Hésitant, dépouillé & subreptice. ... dramedy interrogatif investigation mystérieux ... Am 60
CEZ4370 Furtively Alternate 2
[CEZ4370 - 49]
0 1'41 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Comme une scène de dramedy. Hésitant, dépouillé & subreptice. ... drame de la nature dramedy interrogatif géopolitique ... Am 60
CEZ4370 Furtively Alternate 3
[CEZ4370 - 50]
0 1'41 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Comme une scène de dramedy. Hésitant, dépouillé & subreptice. ... underscore épuré patient drame de la nature ... Am 118
CEZ4484 Randomization Alternate
[CEZ4484 - 41]
1 1'54 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Neutre, hésitant, en suspens & ... neutre sciences épuré underscore ... C 81
CEZ4484 Randomization
[CEZ4484 - 18]
0 1'54 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Neutre, hésitant, en suspens & constant. Hang drum, percussion & FX. neutre sciences underscore constant ... C 80
UBM2341 Fineness underscore 1
[UBM2341 - 28]
1 2'47 Damian Van Dam Steady piano and sweet pizzicato strings. Playful, lively, laid-back. confiant cyclique déterminé sciences ... D 119
UBM2341 Fineness
[UBM2341 - 11]
0 2'48 Damian Van Dam Steady piano and sweet pizzicato strings. Playful, lively, laid-back. cyclique déterminé sciences interrogatif ... D 119
CEZ4428 Conjugal Chit-Chat [Alternate]
[CEZ4428 - 57]
1 01'58 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Alternate pizzicato seul. Ponctué, intriguant & décalé. interrogatif artisanat campagne & jardin cuisine & déco ... C 60
CEZ4428 Conjugal Chit-Chat
[CEZ4428 - 15]
0 01'58 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Ponctué, intriguant & décalé. Pizzicato avec fx d'écho, cordes & ... interrogatif artisanat campagne & jardin cuisine & déco ... C 60
CEZ4484 One Step Forward, One Step ...
[CEZ4484 - 43]
1 1'36 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Investigatif, ironique & discret ... épuré constant dramedy en attente ... Gm 105
CEZ4484 One Step Forward, One Step ...
[CEZ4484 - 20]
0 1'36 Louis Edlinger, Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Investigatif, ironique & discret presque dramedy. Percussion ... constant dramedy en attente interrogatif ... Gm 105
CEZ4531 A Reflective Approach
[CEZ4531 - 9]
0 1'53 Louis Edlinger, Andreas Suttner Bed. Calme, descriptif, patient, méthodique & neutre. Electronics, ... calme sciences underscore neutre ... Em 162
CEZ4370 Rings of Light
[CEZ4370 - 1]
3 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Constant, neutre, scintillant & patient. Clavier, synth, chimes & ... sciences constant cyclique délicat ... Fm 118
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate
[CEZ4370 - 21]
0 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Constant, neutre, scintillant & patient. Clavier, chimes & hang drum. constant sciences cyclique délicat ... Fm 120
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate 2
[CEZ4370 - 22]
0 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Constant, neutre, scintillant & patient. Synth & hang drum. sciences cyclique neutre patient ... Fm 119
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate 3
[CEZ4370 - 23]
0 1'44 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Constant, minimaliste & neutre. Synth & fx. constant sciences épuré interrogatif ... Fm 80
CEO2068 Reproduction 2
[CEO2068 - 16]
1 1'01 Pablo Pico Rêveur & en suspens. Marimba & vibraphone. patient artisanat cyclique narratif ... Am 90
CEO2068 Cyclic Reproduction
[CEO2068 - 3]
0 1'02 Pablo Pico Patient, cyclique & paisible. Marimba & vibraphone. patient cyclique sciences artisanat ... Am 89
CEZ4484 Repetitive Experience
[CEZ4484 - 7]
1 1'53 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Répétitif, expérimental, sérieux & obstiné. Percussion électro ... cyclique sciences rigoureux underscore ... Fm 150
CEZ4484 Repetitive Experience ...
[CEZ4484 - 31]
0 1'53 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Répétitif, expérimental, sérieux ... cyclique sciences rigoureux underscore ... Fm 150
CEZ4533 Inner Adventure
[CEZ4533 - 17]
2 2'47 Louis Edlinger Underscore/bed. Organique, humide, narratif, vibrant, patient & ... médecine organique electro patient constant ... C 85
CEZ4533 Inner Adventure Alternate 1
[CEZ4533 - 51]
0 2'47 Louis Edlinger Version alternate minimaliste. Claivier avec FX & sound-design seuls. constant narratif underscore calme ... C 85
CEZ4533 Inner Adventure Alternate 2
[CEZ4533 - 52]
0 2'19 Louis Edlinger Version alternate minimaliste. Hook & percussions légères seuls. constant épuré underscore humide ... C 172
CEZ4197 Modelization 2
[CEZ4197 - 25]
1 2'17 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Minutieux & confiant. Electronics & cordes pizzicato. Sans batterie. artisanat patient sciences basse électrique ... D 130
CEZ4197 Modelization
[CEZ4197 - 5]
0 2'16 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Minutieux & confiant. Electronics & cordes pizzicato. sciences artisanat patient basse électrique ... D 130
CEZ4531 Doubt or Hesitation
[CEZ4531 - 23]
0 2'33 Louis Edlinger, Andreas Suttner Bed. Précautionneux, prudent, méthodique & attentif. Marimba, ... constant en attente patient sciences ... Am 162
CEZ4484 Emerging Tropical Diseases ...
[CEZ4484 - 29]
1 2'00 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Version alternative minimaliste. Attentif & sérieux avec une touche ... sciences underscore mystérieux patient ... C 112
CEZ4484 Emerging Tropical Diseases
[CEZ4484 - 5]
0 2'00 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Attentif & sérieux avec une touche exotique. Marimba, percussion & ... sciences underscore mystérieux patient ... C 112
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  • 0:00/0:00
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xajax_check_multiple_words(r, xajax.getFormValues('search_form')); } } advSearchRemove = function(id_critere,id_liste_critere,libelle) { if(id_liste_critere==0) { return true; } var libreplace = libelle.replace(/'/,''); $('#advsearchitem'+id_liste_critere).remove(); /**décocher l'image !**/ if(libelle!=""){ /**retirer le mot**/ $(".text-label:contains('" + libreplace +"')").parent().find('.text-remove').click(); $('#searchitem' + id_liste_critere).remove(); } /**Appel de la fonction de recherche "affichage du nombre de résultats**/ var r = $(".text-tags .text-label").map( function(){return $(this).text();}).get().join(' '); xajax_check_multiple_words(r, xajax.getFormValues('search_form')); advcpt++; } /**clic sur une image de FILE**/ traiterClickImgFile = function(imagoz,id_critere,nom_critere,id_liste_critere,nom_liste_critere){ if(imagoz.attr('src').indexOf('off')==-1){ imagoz.attr('src','/themes/cezame/css/images/search-checkbox-off.gif'); advSearchRemove(id_critere, id_liste_critere,nom_liste_critere); 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// setTimeout(function(){ /// Le temps que la barre de chargement remonte // }, cezProgress.options.timeJQSlideAnim); } }, cezProgress.options.growIntervalMs); } }, /// Fonctions utilisées dans les autres fonctions seulement - après un timeout ou une anim jQuery resetIfNotStarted: function(){ if (!cezProgress.started()) { cezProgress.status = CP_STOPPED; cezProgress.setProgress(0); } }, setBtnCancelPos: function(){ var sbpos = cezProgress.searchbtn_elem.getBoundingClientRect(); = 'top:''px;right:'+(sbpos.right + 30)+'px;'; /// /!\ +30px en dur car getBoundingClientRect() détecte la position 'right' à la bordure de l'élément suivant... }, bindScrollRepositionBtnCancel: function() { window.addEventListener('scroll', cezProgress.setBtnCancelPos); }, unbindScrollRepositionBtnCancel: function() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', cezProgress.setBtnCancelPos); }, }; function getRandomIntProgress(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } /////// /////// JQUERY AJAX REQUEST HANDLER /////// /** GA 12/2021 * SERT A GERER DES REQUETES AJAX EN JQUERY : METHODES CANCEL, ADDCALLBACKS, et d'autres à l'avenir * USE OF jq_xhr : * Set the jq_xhr instance with the jQuery ajax request * Add callbacks on cancel if needed * Cancel or Reset **/ var jq_xhr = { instance: null, /// jq_xhr.instance = $.ajax(.....) cancel: function(){ /// pas touche if (this.instance != null) { this.instance.abort(); this.onCancelCallback(); } this.reset(); }, onCancelCallback: function(){}, /// pas touche addCancelCallback: function(addFunc){ /// jq_xhr.addCancelCallback( function(){alert('hello world')} ) this.onCancelCallback = function(){ this.onCancelCallback(); addFunc(); } }, reset: function(){ /// pas touche - reset automatiquement au jq_xhr.cancel() this.instance = null; this.onCancelCallback = function(){}; } } /////// SPINNER AJAX CANCELLABLE function spinnerStartCancellable() { cezProgress.start(45, true); } // When ajaxStop is fired, rmeove 'loading' from body class function spinnerStopCancellable() { jq_xhr.reset(); // $.unblockUI(); cezProgress.stop(true, true); } /// Triggered by click to cancel ajax and stop spinner function cancelSpinnerXHR() { jq_xhr.cancel(); spinnerStopCancellable(); } //// DISABLE SCROLL JS var fixScrollTop = 0; function disableScrollY() { fixScrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; window.addEventListener('scroll', stopScrollY); } function stopScrollY() { window.scrollTo(0, fixScrollTop); } function enableScrollY() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', stopScrollY); } var lasthtmldrag=""; /**derniere position connue du draggable**/ lastdragcontexte=''; lastdragid=''; function setLastPosDrag(jq,contexte,id){ lastdragcontexte=contexte; lastdragid=id; jq.addClass('dropilluminated'); } function byeLastposDrag(jq){ jq.removeClass('dropilluminated'); } function addDragDropMediaToFavorites(id_media){ xajax_add_basket(id_media,1) } function addDragDropMediaToProject(id_media,id_projet){ xajax_addMediaToProject(id_media,id_projet,'',1); } function downloadMedia(id_media){} function downloadMediaFormat(id_media){} getWidth = function() { if (self.innerWidth) { return self.innerWidth; 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Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour profiter des toutes dernières fonctionnalités "AI search" :Plus d\'infos ...
` : `
Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour profiter des toutes dernières fonctionnalités "AI search" :Plus d\'infos ...
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}); jQuery('.slider-min').html('10'); jQuery('.slider-max').html('300'); jQuery('#slider').slider('destroy'); load_bpm_key_slider(); jQuery('#FilterKey').val(jQuery('#FilterKey option:first').val()); jQuery('#customFilterBpm').val(''); } /** * FIN BLOC TRAITEMENT FILTRE BPM/KEY **/ --> xajax_get_track_infos"); }else{ getTitle(i); } } } function loadPlayer( ) { if(Pl_debug) { console.log("loadPlayer:"+ used++); } wPlayerLaunchPlayer( 0, false); } function PlayPauseUnTitreButton(liste_titres,id_liste_critere,i){ idm=0; tab_liste_titres=liste_titres.split(/,/); for(var j=0;j0){ if( (actif.attr('id')=="Pl_play") && actif.attr('data-wait-until')=="true"){ $("#Pl_play").trigger('click'); } if(actif.attr('id')=="Pl_pause"){ $("#Pl_pause").trigger('click'); $("#Pl_pause").removeClass('active'); $('#Pl_play').attr('data-wait-until','true'); } return false; } } hasRegionStartingWith = function(prefix= "") { const regionsList = myPlaylist.regions.list; if(prefix!= ""){ for (const key in regionsList) { if (regionsList.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.startsWith(prefix)) { return key; // Retourne la clé trouvée } } }else{ if (regionsList && typeof regionsList === 'object') { return Object.keys(regionsList); } } return null; } getUrlAlbumFromID = function(Vid_album){ } function millisToMinutesAndSeconds(millis) { var minutes = Math.floor(millis / 60000); var seconds = Math.floor( ((millis % 60000) / 1000)); return (seconds == 60 ? (minutes+1) + ":00" : minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds); } wPlayerSendEvent = function(type,val){ var idm=myPlaylist.playlist[val].id_media; if(Pl_debug) { console.log("fct:wPlayerSendEvent "+type +" rang:"+ val+" id"+idm); } if(type=="SEEK"){ return void(0); } //23/05/24 a voir si on garde, regression possible $('#Pl_stop').removeClass('active'); if(type=="ITEM" || type=="REGION"){ //remove les actifs $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_listening").hide(); $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_play").show(); $(".boxcommand button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroletracks button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroleplayer button:not(.Tl_favorite)").removeClass('active'); //player $('#Pl_play').hide(); $('#Pl_pause').show().addClass("active"); $('#Pl_playcover').hide(); $('#Pl_pausecover').show(); //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').hide(); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').show().addClass('active'); //Lts $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_play').hide(); $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_listening').show().addClass('active'); $('.TexteDescriptionTrackOver').removeClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver').addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackVisited'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='0"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); if(from_last_click=="videoedit" || from_last_click=="videosharing"){ let typeframe; if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ typeframe = frames['espaceprive'].document; }else{ typeframe = document; } $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).show(); $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).show().addClass('active'); } //private if(from_last_click=="private"){ /**YOHANN :: si la ligne n'existe pas, sauter d''un cran**/ if ($("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"']", frames['espaceprive'].document).length ==0 ){ if(parseInt(val) < parseInt(curIndex)){ //en arriere if(Number(val) == 0){ //debut de chaine on fait rien }else{ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",(Number(val)-1)); } }else{ //en avant if(val ==(myPlaylist.playlist.length - 1)){ //fin de chaine on fait rien }else{ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",(Number(val)+1)); } } return; } $(".controllistprivate button.Tl_listening").hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Tl_play").show(); $(".controllistprivate button").removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button", frames['espaceprive'].document).removeClass('active'); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_play", frames['espaceprive'].document).hide(); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_listening", frames['espaceprive'].document).show().addClass('active'); } if( from_last_click!="private" && ($(".divTrackAlt[id_media='" + idm + "']").is(':hidden') || $(".divTrackAlt[id_media='0" + idm + "']").is(':hidden')) ) { //est ce qu'on va en avant ou en arriere if(parseInt(val) < parseInt(curIndex)){ //en arriere if(Number(val) == 0){ clickPrevScrolledTrack(); }else{ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",(Number(val)-1)); } }else{ if(val ==(myPlaylist.playlist.length - 1)){ clickNextScrolledTrack(); }else{ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",(Number(val)+1)); } } return; } /**Revenir Ici***/ if(type != "REGION"){ setCurrentSong(val); } myPlaylist.on('ready', function() { if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ //region.update /*region.update({ dragSelection: { slop: 5 } });*/ $( "#video-montage-loop",frames['espaceprive'].document ).on( "change", function(e) { region.update({ loop: $(this).is(':checked') }); }); } if(type !== "REGION"){ //pour type = item // permet de creer une pause dans une region //yohanndev region const regionKey = hasRegionStartingWith('video_'); if (regionKey) { const region = myPlaylist.regions.list[regionKey]; const start = region.start; const end = region.end; $("#espaceprive").contents().find('#video-montage-start').val(start); $("#espaceprive").contents().find('#video-montage-end').val(end);, end); } else {; } } }); return; } if(type=="PLAY"){ //remove les actifs $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_listening").hide(); $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_play").show(); $(".boxcommand button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroletracks button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroleplayer button:not(.Tl_favorite)").removeClass('active'); //player $('#Pl_play').hide(); $('#Pl_pause').show().addClass("active"); $('#Pl_playcover').hide(); $('#Pl_pausecover').show(); //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').hide(); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').show().addClass('active'); //lts cartouche $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_play').hide(); $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_listening').show().addClass('active'); $('.TexteDescriptionTrackOver').removeClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver').addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackVisited'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='0"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); //Thumbs carousel if($('.item_wrap').length > 0){ $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_pausecover').show(); $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_playcover').hide(); } //private if(from_last_click=="private"){ $(".controllistprivate button.Tl_listening").hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Tl_play").show(); $(".controllistprivate button").removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button", frames['espaceprive'].document).removeClass('active'); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_play", frames['espaceprive'].document).hide(); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_listening", frames['espaceprive'].document).show().addClass('active'); } if(from_last_click=="videoedit" || from_last_click=="videosharing"){ let typeframe; if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ typeframe = frames['espaceprive'].document; }else{ typeframe = document; } $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).show(); $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).show().addClass('active'); } //init //$('#current_id_media').val(val); } if(type=="LOAD"){ $(".boxcontroleplayer button:not(.Tl_favorite)").removeClass('active'); //player $('#Pl_play').show().addClass("active"); $('#Pl_pause').hide(); $('#Pl_playcover').show(); $('#Pl_pausecover').hide(); //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').show().addClass('active'); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').hide(); //lts cartouche $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_play').show().addClass('active'); $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_listening').hide(); if(from_last_click=="videoedit" || from_last_click=="videosharing"){ let typeframe; if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ typeframe = frames['espaceprive'].document; }else{ typeframe = document; } $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).show(); } setCurrentSong(val); return; } if(type=="PAUSE"){ //remove les actifs //on supprime pas ici les actifs car il permette de recuperer la currentpos $(".boxcontroleplayer button:not(.Tl_favorite)").removeClass('active'); //player $('#Pl_play').show().addClass("active"); $('#Pl_pause').hide(); $('#Pl_playcover').show(); $('#Pl_pausecover').hide(); //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').show().addClass('active'); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').hide(); //lts cartouche $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_play').show().addClass('active'); $(".boxcontroletracks").find('.Lts_listening').hide(); //Thumbs carousel if($('.item_wrap').length > 0){ $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_playcover').show(); $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_pausecover').hide().removeClass('active'); } if(from_last_click=="private"){ $(".controllistprivate button").removeClass('active'); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_listening", frames['espaceprive'].document).hide(); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_play", frames['espaceprive'].document).show().addClass('active'); } if(from_last_click=="videoedit" || from_last_click=="videosharing"){ let typeframe; if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ typeframe = frames['espaceprive'].document; }else{ typeframe = document; } $(".controllistprivate button", typeframe).removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate .Ve_listening", typeframe).hide().removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate .Ve_play", typeframe).show().addClass('active'); } } if(type=="STOP"){ //remove les actifs $(".boxcommand button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroletracks button").removeClass("active"); $(".boxcontroleplayer button:not(.Tl_favorite)").removeClass('active'); $(".controllistprivate button").removeClass('active'); //player $('#Pl_stop').addClass("active"); $('#Pl_play').show(); $('#Pl_pause').hide(); $('#Pl_playcover').show(); $('#Pl_pausecover').hide(); //tl $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_listening").hide(); $(".boxcontroleplayer button.Tl_play").show(); //lts cartouche $(".boxcontroletracks button.Lts_listening").hide(); $(".boxcontroletracks button.Lts_play").show(); $(".boxcontroletracks button.Lts_play").show(); //Thumbs carousel if($('.item_wrap').length > 0){ $('.item_wrap ul').removeClass('active'); $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_playcover').show(); $('.item_wrap').find('.Th_pausecover').hide().removeClass('active'); } //$('#current_id_media').val(val); if(from_last_click=="private"){ $("tr", frames['espaceprive'].document).removeClass('titrepriveplay'); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_listening", frames['espaceprive'].document).hide().removeClass('active'); $("tr[id_media='"+ idm +"'] .Tl_play", frames['espaceprive'].document).show().removeClass('active'); } if(from_last_click=="videoedit" || from_last_click=="videosharing"){ let typeframe; if(from_last_click == "videoedit"){ typeframe = frames['espaceprive'].document; }else{ typeframe = document; } $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_listening", typeframe).hide(); $(".controllistprivate button.Ve_play", typeframe).show(); } pos= val; } if(type=="NEXT"){ //recupere l'ancien id joué et replace les boutons //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').show(); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').hide(); $('.TexteDescriptionTrackOver').removeClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver').addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackVisited'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='0"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); } if(type=="PREVIOUS"){ //recupere l'ancien id joué et replace les boutons //tl $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_play').show(); $("#boxcontrol_"+idm).find('.Tl_listening').hide(); $('.TexteDescriptionTrackOver').removeClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver').addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackVisited'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='0"+ idm +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); } } wPlayerLaunch = function(start,loadItemOnly){ if(typeof loadItemOnly !== 'undefined' && loadItemOnly!= ""){ wPlayerSendEvent('LOAD',start); }else{ wPlayerSendEvent('ITEM',start); ///!\espaceprivé :: click sur la video } if(Pl_debug) { console.log("fct:wPlayerLaunch "+start); } } wPlayerGetCurrentItemNumber2 = function(){ //recupere la piste courante qui est joué selon les attributs html //var curItem = 0; //si le bouton hautparleur est bleu donc actif, la lecture est en cours var curItemPosPlaying = $('').closest("ul"); //si le bouton play est bleu, donc actif, la lecture est en pause var curItemPosPause = $('').closest("ul"); //espace prive box // espace prive window if($('#espaceprive').length || $('#espaceprive', parent).length || window.location.pathname == "/privatewidget.php") { var curItemPosEP = $("tr.titreprive",frames['espaceprive'].document).hasClass('titrepriveplay'); } var curItemPosCF = $("ul.compo_musique_originale").hasClass('compo_listSelected'); if(curItemPosPlaying.length>0 && from_last_click=="public"){ curItem=curItemPosPlaying.attr('curposition'); }else if(curItemPosPause.length>0 && from_last_click=="public"){ curItem=curItemPosPause.attr('curposition'); }else{ //il existe deja un current index, si oui on le prend if(typeof curIndex != "undefined"){ var curItem = 0; }else{ curItem=0; } if(typeof pos != "undefined" && pos!=""){ curItem = pos; } } if(curItemPosEP==true && from_last_click=="private"){ curItem=$("tr.titrepriveplay",frames['espaceprive'].document).attr('curposition'); } if(curItemPosCF==true && from_last_click=="composers"){ curItem=$("ul.compo_listSelected").attr('curposition'); } if(Pl_debug) { console.log("fct:wPlayerGetCurrentItemNumber2 - curentitem:"+curItem); } return curItem; } function playRegion(resume,from){ const regionKey = hasRegionStartingWith('video_'); if(resume){ wPlayerSendEvent('REGION',0); if(regionKey){; }else{ window.parent.xajax_load_player_playlist($('#id_media',frames['espaceprive'].document).val(),'','0',from,'',$('#id_video',frames['espaceprive'].document).val()); } }else{ wPlayerSendEvent('REGION',0); if(regionKey){ myPlaylist.regions.list[regionKey].play(); }else{ window.parent.xajax_load_player_playlist($('#id_media',frames['espaceprive'].document).val(),'','0',from,'',$('#id_video',frames['espaceprive'].document).val()); } } } function fctclearRegions(){ const regionKey = hasRegionStartingWith(); //ne jamais clear les (climax[0-9]) //if(regionKey.some(item => item.startsWith('climax'))){ if(regionKey){ regionKey.forEach(key => { if (!key.startsWith('climax')) { // Si la clé ne commence pas par "climax", appeler remove() sur l'élément correspondant dans regionsList if (myPlaylist.regions.list.hasOwnProperty(key)) { myPlaylist.regions.list[key].remove(); } } }); }else{ //on efface tout myPlaylist.clearRegions(); } } function createRegion(regionStart, regionEnd, readOnly,loop,maxLength,id) { const maxDuration = 60; // Durée maximale en secondes provenant de la video ( plus tard!!) const duration = parseInt(myPlaylist.getDuration()); if(regionStart == 0 && regionEnd == 0){ const regionEnd = Math.min(regionStart + maxDuration, duration); } if(readOnly !== null && readOnly !== '' && readOnly == true){ defaultEdit = { drag: false, resize: false }; }else{ defaultEdit = { drag: true, resize: true }; } if(loop !== null && loop !== '' && loop == true){ defaultLoop = { loop: true }; }else{ defaultLoop = { loop: false }; } if (typeof maxLength !== 'undefined' && maxLength !== null) { defaultOptions = { id:id, start: regionStart, end: regionEnd, color: 'rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.3)' //maxLength: maxLength,//bug wavesurfer on drag }; } else { defaultOptions = { id:id, start: regionStart, end: regionEnd, color: 'rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.3)', }; } region = myPlaylist.addRegion({ ...defaultOptions, ...defaultEdit, ...defaultLoop }); } // Create a WaveSurfer instance wPlayerLaunchPlayer = function(position,autostartplayer){ if($("#Pl_waveform").length == 0){ if(Pl_debug) { console.log("not exist Pl_waveform : wPlayerLaunchPlayer"); } return false; } // Create a canvas gradient const ctx1 = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d') const gradient = ctx1.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 150) gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(35, 149, 255)') gradient.addColorStop(0.7, 'rgb(28, 111, 195)') gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)') const ctx2 = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d') const gradientdefault = ctx2.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 150) gradientdefault.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(193, 193, 193)') gradientdefault.addColorStop(0.7, 'rgb(124, 124, 124)') gradientdefault.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)') /*init*/ myPlaylist = WaveSurfer.create({ container: '#Pl_waveform', backend: 'MediaElement', mediaType:'audio', cursorColor:'#1daee0', reflection:false, closeAudioContext:true, plugins: [ WaveSurfer.regions.create({ dragSelection: {slop: 5} }), WaveSurfer.cursor.create({ showTime: true, hideOnBlur: true, opacity: 1, customShowTimeStyle: { 'background-color': '#1daee0', 'color': '#fff', 'padding': '2px', 'font-size': '10px', 'borderRightColor':'#1daee0' } }) ], //waveColor: '#c1c1c1', waveColor: gradientdefault, //progressColor: '#2395ff', progressColor:gradient, height: dimPeak, barWidth: 3, responsive:true, normalize: true }); if(playList.length == 0){ return false; } /**assignation de la playlist**/ myPlaylist.playlist = playList; myPlaylist.setVolume(volume); /*stop spinner*/ spinnerStop(); /*timer*/ myPlaylist.on('ready', function() { var totalTime = myPlaylist.getDuration(); $('#time-total').html(millisToMinutesAndSeconds(Math.round(totalTime * 1000))); spinnerStop(); /*sliderzoom.oninput = function () { var zoomLevel = Number(sliderzoom.value); myPlaylist.zoom(zoomLevel); };*/ /*myPlaylist.once('decode', () => { document.querySelector('input#zoom-range[type="range"]').oninput = (e) => { const minPxPerSec = Number( myPlaylist.zoom(minPxPerSec) } })*/ myPlaylist.on('region-updated', function(e){ const url = window.location.href; var iframe = $('#espaceprive'); var; var regionsList = myPlaylist.regions.list; if(defaultEdit.drag == false && defaultEdit.resize== false){ //partage if (url.includes("lire_titres")) { const keys = Object.keys(regionsList); if (keys.length > 1 && typeof keys[1] !== 'undefined') { secondRegion = keys[1]; regionsList[secondRegion].remove() ; } }else{ fctclearRegions(); } }else{ //cad d'edition sur une fenetre ouverte espace video : detail video if($('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').hasClass('openprivate') ){ if(iframe.contents().find('#lien_prive_liste_videos').hasClass('active')){ if(iframe.contents().find('#form_video_montage').length){ let dureeRegion = (e.end - e.start); let dureeVideo = $("#espaceprive").contents().find('#videoDuration').val(); if(Number(dureeRegion) > Number(dureeVideo)){ e.end = (parseFloat(e.start) + Number(dureeVideo)); } for (const key in regionsList) { if (regionsList.hasOwnProperty(key) && key!=regionid) { regionsList[key].remove() } } } } }else{ fctclearRegions(); } } if($('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').hasClass('openprivate') ){ if(iframe.contents().find('#lien_prive_liste_videos').hasClass('active')){ if(iframe.contents().find('#form_video_montage').length){ $("#espaceprive").contents().find('#video-montage-start').val(e.start); $("#espaceprive").contents().find('#video-montage-end').val(e.end); $("#espaceprive").contents().find('video#video-montage').get(0).pause(); if($('#video-montage').length > 0 ){ document.getElementById('video-montage').pause(); } $("#Pl_stop").trigger('click'); } } } }); }); idm = myPlaylist.playlist[position].id_media; myPlaylist.on('audioprocess', function() { var totalTime = myPlaylist.getDuration(); $('#time-total').html(millisToMinutesAndSeconds(Math.round(totalTime * 1000))); if(myPlaylist.isPlaying()) { var currentTime = myPlaylist.getCurrentTime(); var remainingTime = totalTime - currentTime; currentMod = parseInt(parseInt(currentTime*1000) % 10000 ); if(currentMod < lastcurrentMod){ $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/ajax_stats.php', type:'POST', data:'id_media='+idm+"&stats="+millisToMinutesAndSeconds(Math.round(myPlaylist.getCurrentTime() * 1000)), }); }else{ } lastcurrentMod = currentMod; $('#time-current').html(millisToMinutesAndSeconds(Math.round(currentTime * 1000))); $('#time-remaining').html(millisToMinutesAndSeconds(Math.round(remainingTime * 1000))); } }); myPlaylist.on('destroy', function () { if(Pl_debug) { console.log('!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wavesurfer destroy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'); } }); if(position>0){ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",position) } if(autostartplayer){ wPlayerSendEvent("PLAY"); } $('#volume').on('input', function () { $(this).trigger('change'); myPlaylist.setVolume($(this).val()); }); $('#zoom').on('input', function () { $(this).trigger('change'); myPlaylist.zoom(Number(this.value)); }); $("#Pl_thumblink,#toggleplaycover").on('click', function(e) { //myPlaylist.playPause(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#Pl_mute").on('click', function(e) { $(this).toggleClass("active"); myPlaylist.toggleMute(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#Pl_download").on('click', function(e) { Tip('
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if( $('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').is(':visible') && $('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').hasClass('openprivate') ){ if(from_last_click!="" && from_last_click== "videoedit"){ from_last_click = 'videoedit'; }else{ from_last_click = 'private'; } }else if(window.location.pathname == "/privatewidget.php" ){ from_last_click = 'private'; }else{ if(from_last_click == ""){ from_last_click = 'public'; }else{ from_last_click = from_last_click; } } //si current est passé en parametre, ca provient d'un trigger, d'une liste de lecture (tentative abordée, mais fontionnelle) if (current !== undefined) { var pos = current; flag = true; }else{ //si on presse pause, il y forcement un bouton lecture actif, sinon on fait rien var pos=wPlayerGetCurrentItemNumber2(); flag = true; } if(flag){ wPlayerSendEvent('PAUSE',pos); myPlaylist.pause(); } e.preventDefault(); }); $("#Pl_play,#Pl_playcover").on('click', function(e) { if( $('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').is(':visible') && $('#voletConteneurEspacePrive').hasClass('openprivate') ){ if(from_last_click!= "" && from_last_click=="videoedit"){ from_last_click = 'videoedit'; 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myPlaylist.drawer.containerWidth = myPlaylist.drawer.container.clientWidth; myPlaylist.drawBuffer(); check_status_drawer('fromminimize'); e.preventDefault(); }); myPlaylist.on('play', function() { //pendant que le morceau joue }); myPlaylist.on('finish', function() { wPlayerSendEvent('NEXT',curIndex); if(curIndex == (myPlaylist.playlist.length - 1)){ clickNextScrolledTrack(); if(Pl_debug) { console.log("fct:clickNextScrolledTrack fin de liste pagination"); } return; }else{ wPlayerSendEvent("ITEM",(Number(curIndex)+1)); } }); myPlaylist.on('region-click', function(region, e) { //; //region.playLoop() //e.stopPropagation(); // Play on click, loop on shift click //e.shiftKey ? region.playLoop() :; }); } window.setCurrentSong = function(index) { if( typeof myPlaylist == 'undefined'){ return false; } var playlist = myPlaylist.playlist; previousTrack = curIndex; curIndex = index; info_media = playlist[index]; if(Pl_debug) { console.log(info_media); } $("#Pl_url").attr("href",info_media.linkalbum); $("#Pl_thumbs").attr("src",info_media.img); $("#Pl_thumbs").attr("alt",info_media.titre); $("#Pl_title").html(info_media.titre); $("#Pl_album").html(info_media.titre_album); $("#Pl_ref").html(info_media.ref); $("#Pl_position").html(info_media.position); if(Pl_debug) { console.log("fct:setCurrentSong index"+curIndex ); } $.ajax({ url: '/jsonfy.php', type:'POST', data:'id_media='+info_media.id_media+"&ref="+info_media.ref, success: function(result_waveform){ data_peaks = (result_waveform); }, async: false }); if(from_last_click=='public'){ //YOHANNDEV a l'ouverture de la page uniquement ( chargement du 1 titre) et sur le play d'un titre ?! $('.TexteDescriptionTrackOver').removeClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver').addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackVisited'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='"+ tabTitlesPage[curIndex] +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); $(".TexteDescriptionTrack[id_media='0"+ tabTitlesPage[curIndex] +"']").addClass('TexteDescriptionTrackOver'); } if(from_last_click=='private'){ /**espace privé**/ //init $("tr.titreprive", frames['espaceprive'].document).removeClass('titrepriveplay'); 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} var timing=((ffinal.mtiming*60) + ffinal.stiming); var str = {id:'climax'+i,start: timing, end: timing+1, color:'rgb(255, 255, 255, 0)', attributes: {label: '◆',title:objectcl.desc},title:objectcl.desc,drag:false, resize:false}; someDataFinal.push(str); }); setTimeout(function(){ for(var k = 0 ; k < someDataFinal.length; k++){ myPlaylist.addRegion(someDataFinal[k]); } }, 200); } itemMonitor(); if(Pl_debug) console.log("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); }; /**clavier**/ var in_search = false; /**définition des touches**/ KEY_DOWN = 40; KEY_UP = 38; KEY_LEFT = 37; KEY_RIGHT = 39; KEY_END = 35; KEY_BEGIN = 36; KEY_BACK_TAB = 8; KEY_TAB = 9; KEY_SH_TAB = 16; KEY_ENTER = 13; KEY_ESC = 27; KEY_SPACE = 32; KEY_DEL = 46; KEY_A = 65; KEY_B = 66; KEY_C = 67; KEY_D = 68; KEY_E = 69; KEY_F = 70; KEY_G = 71; KEY_H = 72; KEY_I = 73; KEY_J = 74; KEY_K = 75; KEY_L = 76; KEY_M = 77; KEY_N = 78; KEY_O = 79; KEY_P = 80; KEY_Q = 81; KEY_R = 82; KEY_S = 83; KEY_T = 84; KEY_U = 85; KEY_V = 86; KEY_W = 87; KEY_X = 88; KEY_Y = 89; KEY_Z = 90; KEY_PF1 = 112; KEY_PF2 = 113; KEY_PF3 = 114; KEY_PF4 = 115; KEY_PF5 = 116; KEY_PF6 = 117; KEY_PF7 = 118; KEY_PF8 = 119; REMAP_KEY_T = 5019; function checkEventObj ( _event_ ){ // --- IE explorer if ( window.event ) return window.event; // --- Netscape and other explorers else return _event_; } /**fonctions pour catcher les flèches gauches et droite, à appliquer sur la liste de **/ function applyKey (_event_){ if(in_search==true) { return; } // --- Retrieve event object from current web explorer var winObj = checkEventObj(_event_); var intKeyCode = winObj.keyCode; var intAltKey = winObj.altKey; var intCtrlKey = winObj.ctrlKey; // 1° --- Access with [ALT/CTRL+Key] if (intAltKey || intCtrlKey) { if ( intKeyCode == KEY_RIGHT || intKeyCode == KEY_LEFT ){ // --- Display Message if(intKeyCode == KEY_RIGHT){ getNextTitle(); } if(intKeyCode == KEY_LEFT){ getPrevTitle(); } sendEvent('ITEM',curIndex); // 3° --- Map the keyCode in another keyCode not used winObj.keyCode = intKeyCode = REMAP_KEY_T; winObj.returnValue = false; return false; } } // 2 ° --- Access without [ALT/CTRL+Key] else { if ( intKeyCode == KEY_RIGHT || intKeyCode == KEY_LEFT ){ // --- Display Message if(intKeyCode == KEY_RIGHT){ getNextTitle(); } if(intKeyCode == KEY_LEFT){ getPrevTitle(); } jPlayerSendEvent('ITEM',curIndex); // 3° --- Map the keyCode in another keyCode not used winObj.keyCode = intKeyCode = REMAP_KEY_T; winObj.returnValue = false; return false; } } } function clickFormeTiming(e,that, offset){ return; var x = e.clientX - offset - 8.5; var duration = parseInt(myPlaylist.getDuration()); var duration_finale; duration_finale=duration; w=(parseInt(duration_finale) / visual_width) * x; w=parseInt(w); wPlayerSendEvent('SEEK', w ); if(!myPlaylist.isPlaying() && myPlaylist.getCurrentTime()>0){ wPlayerSendEvent('PLAY',false); } } function clickForme(e,that){ return; var offset = that.offset(); var x = e.clientX - offset.left + 5; var duration = parseInt(myPlaylist.getDuration()); var duration_finale; duration_finale=duration; w=(parseInt(duration_finale) / visual_width) * x; w=parseInt(w); wPlayerSendEvent('SEEK', w ); if(!myPlaylist.isPlaying() && myPlaylist.getCurrentTime()>0){ wPlayerSendEvent('PLAY',false); } } --> fonction searchExternalRecommendation() mise dans l'element directement // $('#btn_search_external_recommendation_youtube').on('click', function() { // searchExternalRecommendation(document.getElementById('search_external_recommendation_youtube').value); // }); function searchExternalRecommendation(url) { var p = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:m\.|www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:embed\/|v\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/i; var p2 =/^(?:https?:\/\/open\.spotify\.com|spotify)/i; var p3 =/^(?:https?:\/\/.*\/)/i; var p4 =/^(?:https?:\/\/.*\/)/i; var tab_url = url.split('?'); url = tab_url[0]; var v_param = ""; if ( tab_url[1] ) { var params_get = tab_url[1].split('&'); for (let i = 0; i < params_get.length; i++) { var tmp_param = params_get[i].split('='); if ( tmp_param[0] == 'v' ) { v_param = tmp_param[1]; } } } url = url + (v_param != "" ? "?v=" + v_param : ""); let logged_in = false; jQuery.ajax({url: "/ajax/check_conn.php", type: "GET", async: false, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ logged_in = JSONreponseFromAjax; }} ); if (1==1 || logged_in == "OK" ) { if((url.match(p) || url.match(p2) || url.match(p3) || url.match(p4)) && !launch_yt_progress){ if(url.match(p)){ var providerURL = "URL Youtube"; }else if(url.match(p2)){ var providerURL = "URL Spotify"; }else if(url.match(p3)){ var providerURL = "URL SoundCloud"; }else if(url.match(p4)){ var providerURL = "URL Disco"; }else{ var providerURL = "URL Youtube"; } var message = providerURL + " :
" + "L'analyse peut durer plusieurs minutes. Souhaitez vous continuer ?"; var topito = jQuery('#header-search-query').offset(); $('#searchbtn').prop('disabled', true); jcConfirm( message, function(){ if(url.match(p)){ /**clean the url before sending it to alain**/ url=url.replace(/\?si=.*$/,''); } launch_yt_progress=true; ///////////$('progress').show(); $('progress').hide(); spinnerStartCancellable(); //////////randomBar( ); jq_xhr.reset(); jq_xhr.addCancelCallback(resetSearchExternalRecommendation); jq_xhr.instance = $.ajax({url: "", type: "GET", data: {url: url,lang:'fr'}, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ resetSearchExternalRecommendation(); $('#searchbtn').prop('disabled', false); if(JSONreponseFromAjax=="ERR"){ getAlert("Une erreur s'est produite","header-search-query"); clearTimeout(mytimeoutrb); progress = document.getElementById('uploadprogress'); progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 0; ///////////$('progress').show(); $('progress').hide(); // $('.external_recommendationbox')[0].style.display = 'none'; }else if(JSONreponseFromAjax=="ERR_NOT_CONNECTED"){ //jQuery('#infoBoxListePage_connect').show(); TipNotConnected(); $('progress').hide(); // $('.external_recommendationbox')[0].style.display = 'none'; }else if(JSONreponseFromAjax.match(/^ERR_/)){ $('progress').hide(); // $('.external_recommendationbox')[0].style.display = 'none'; }else{ clearTimeout(mytimeoutrb); progress = document.getElementById('uploadprogress'); progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 0; ///////////$('progress').show(); $('progress').hide(); /** SG 20/10/2021 : ajout pour cacher la box après requête et vider le champs **/ // $('#search_external_recommendation_youtube').val(''); // $('.external_recommendationbox').hide(); reponses = JSON.parse(JSONreponseFromAjax); reponsesMots = reponses.mots; JSONreponse = JSONreponseFromAjax; suggestiontitres(url,'yt'); } }, error: function(res, textStatus, errorThrown){ resetSearchExternalRecommendation(); if (textStatus !== 'abort') { var text_alert = "Une erreur est survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement"; //if ([- ]?out/i) !== -1) // text_alert += ".
Erreur : Temps de traitement du fichier trop long"; getAlert(text_alert); } } }); }, function(){ jQuery('#header-search-query').val(''); }, "continuer", "Annuler", {} ); } } else { TipNotConnectedPubAi(true); } } function searchExternalRecommendationFromBrief(brief) { let logged_in = false; spinnerStart(); jQuery.ajax({url: "/ajax/check_conn.php", type: "GET", async: true, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ logged_in = JSONreponseFromAjax; }} ); /**pour les tests on rend la fonction accessible (demo) */ if ( 1==1 || logged_in == "OK" ) { jQuery.ajax({ url: "/ajax/get_keywords_from_brief.php", type: "POST", data: { brief : brief }, dataType: "html", async: true, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ var parsedRes = JSON.parse(JSONreponseFromAjax); var div_error = document.getElementById('external_brief_errors'); if ( parsedRes.error !== undefined ) { var txt_error = "Erreur : "; if ( parsedRes.error == "brief_empty" ) { txt_error += "Votre brief est vide"; } else if ( parsedRes.error == "brief_too_long" ) { txt_error += "Votre brief est trop long, il doit faire au maximum 1000 caractères"; } div_error.innerHTML = txt_error; = 'block'; spinnerStop(); } else { div_error.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; var responseJSON = parsedRes; var response = responseJSON; var url = "/liste_resultats.php?"; resetSearchExternalRecommendation(); var params = []; var tab_mots = []; //var nbi = 1; //for( var key in response ) { for( var valou of response ) { //if(nbi < 5){ //params.push("mot[]=" + encodeURI(response[key] + "@@@@" + response[key] + "@@@@" + response[key])); params.push("mot[]=" + encodeURI(valou + "@@@@" + valou + "@@@@" + valou)); //tab_mots.push(response[key]); tab_mots.push(valou); //} //nbi++; } if ( params.length == 0 ) { div_error.innerHTML = 'Aucun résultats trouvés, veuillez réessayer plus tard.'; = 'block'; spinnerStop(); return; } url += params.join("&"); xajax_check_multiple_words(tab_mots.join(' '), [], false, true, false, brief); //window.location.href = url; } } } ); } else { TipNotConnectedPubAi(true); spinnerStop(); } } function resetSearchExternalRecommendation() { spinnerStopCancellable(); launch_yt_progress = false; $('#search_external_recommendation_youtube').val(''); $('.external_recommendationbox').hide(); } /** SG 20/10/2021 : RAJOUT POUR LE FILE AREA DE L'EXTERNAL RECOMMENDATION **/ $("#file_external_recommendation").on("change", function(e) { let logged_in = false; jQuery.ajax({url: "/ajax/check_conn.php", type: "GET", async: false, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ logged_in = JSONreponseFromAjax; }} ); if (1==1 || logged_in == "OK" ) { spinnerStart(); var lbl_external = document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation_lbl'); var old_txt = lbl_external.innerHTML; lbl_external.innerHTML =[0].name; if ( ![0].name ) { return; } var fileExtension =[0].name.split('.').pop(); if ( accepted_files.includes(fileExtension.toLowerCase())){ if ( accepted_files_music.includes(fileExtension.toLowerCase())){ readfiles(; }else{ readfiles_image(; } } else { spinnerStop(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').hide(); getAlertDanger("Seuls les fichiers MP3, WAV, AIFF, JPG et PNG sont acceptés."); lbl_external.innerHTML = old_txt; = null; } } else { TipNotConnectedPubAi(true); } }); //--- //- FUNCTIONS!! //--- //--- //- autocomplete EXPLICATION : lance l'autocomplete sur la recherche quand un titre est directement renseigne, suggestion //--- var svg_header_search_query = ""; /////////jQuery('#header-search-query').val(); /**************EV 19/01/2021 : retiré de la recherche if($("#header-search-query").length > 0) $("#header-search-query").autocomplete({ source: "/ajax/searchv4.php", position: { my: "left+0 top+2" }, create: function(){ $(this).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function (ul, item) { svg_header_search_query = jQuery('#header-search-query').val(); item.label = item.label.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(this.term) + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "$1"); return $("
  • ") .addClass("ac-li_"+item.type) .data("item.autocomplete", item) .append("" + item.label + "") .appendTo(ul); }; }, focus: function( event, ui ) { if(ui.item.txt!='') { $("#header-search-query").val(ui.item.txt); //svg_header_search_query = jQuery('#header-search-query').val(); }else{ $("#header-search-query").val(svg_header_search_query); } return false; }, select: function( event, ui ) { if(ui.item.url!='' && ui.item.url!='#'){ document.location.href=ui.item.url; } return false; }, response: function( event, ui ) { if(ui.content!=null){ //launchSearch(); } } }).autocomplete( "widget" ).addClass( "autocomplete_search_page" ); ******/ //--- //- recog clickOnTag //--- clickOnTag = function(el){ //////empty_search_form(); spinnerStart(); var inz = el.find('input'); if(el.hasClass('recogbuttondisabled')) { /**ne rien faire, sortir de cette fonction, car le mot n'est pas sélectionnable**/ return null; }else if(el.hasClass('recogbuttonselected')){ inz.prop('disabled', true); el.removeClass('recogbuttonselected').addClass('recogbuttondefault'); }else if(el.hasClass('recogbuttondefault')){ inz.prop('disabled', false); el.removeClass('recogbuttondefault').addClass('recogbuttonselected'); } jQuery('.recogbutton').each(function(){jQuery(this).removeClass('recogbuttondisabled').addClass('recogbuttondefault');}); //xajax_get_recog_results_keywords(xajax.getFormValues('alain_search_form'),$('#recogtags').html(),JSONreponse); xajax_get_recog_results_keywords(xajax.getFormValues('alain_search_form'),'',JSONreponse); } //--- //- recog launch_recog_search //--- launch_recog_search = function(){ var zurl=""; var taburl = [ ]; taburl.push("last_item_played=" + global_last_item_played); taburl.push("type_suggestion=" + global_type_suggestion); jQuery('.recogbutton').each(function(){ /**verifier si disabled ou pas**/ if(jQuery(this).hasClass('recogbuttonselected')){ var zinput=jQuery(this).find('input'); taburl.push( zinput.attr('name') + "=" + zinput.val() ); } }); similartracks=JSON.parse(JSONreponse); similartracks=similartracks.similartracks; if(similartracks.length > 0){ tabids=new Array(); for(var i=0;i" + "" + lib + "" tagz.push(tag); } } strz+=""; $('#cartouche-similar_content').html(strz); //$('#search_form').append(strz); /*$('#recogtags').css('margin-top', (0 - ($('#recogtags').css('height')/2)) + 'px');*/ /**mémoriser le grid**/ //xajax_get_recog_results_keywords(xajax.getFormValues('search_form'),$('#recogtags').html(),JSONreponse); //xajax_get_recog_results_tracks(xajax.getFormValues('search_form'),$('#recogtags').html()); } //--- //- recog suggestionmots //--- suggestionmots = function(){ jQuery('#recogtags').show(); //jQuery('.recogbutton').each(function(){ //jQuery(this).removeClass("recogbuttonselected").addClass("recogbuttondefault"); //jQuery(this).find('input').removeAttr('disabled'); //}); //xajax_get_recog_results_keywords(xajax.getFormValues('search_form'),$('#recogtags').html(),JSONreponse); } var global_last_item_played; var global_type_suggestion; //--- //- recog suggestiontitres //--- suggestiontitres = function(last_item_played,type_suggestion){ /** last_item_played : le titre de réference sur une recommendation (signe égal) type_suggestion : (equal,yt,mp3) **/ global_last_item_played=last_item_played; global_type_suggestion=type_suggestion; //xajax_get_recog_results_tracks(xajax.getFormValues('alain_search_form'),$('#recogtags').html(),JSONreponse, last_item_played, type_suggestion); xajax_get_recog_results_tracks(xajax.getFormValues('alain_search_form'),'',JSONreponse, last_item_played, type_suggestion); } //--- //- recog previewfile //--- previewfile = function (file) { if (tests.filereader === true && acceptedTypes[file.type] === true) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else { holder.innerHTML += '

    Loading ' + + ' ' + (file.size ? (file.size/1024|0) + 'K' : '');; } } //--- //- recog readfiles //--- readfiles = function(files) { var formData = tests.formdata ? new FormData() : null; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (tests.formdata) formData.append('file', files[i]); // previewfile(files[i]); en commentaire pcq nom du fichier pas important et pas beau } formData.set('lang','fr'); // now post a new XHR request if (tests.formdata) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/recog/upload.php'); xhr.onload = function() { progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 100; }; xhr.onloadend = function() { JSONreponse= xhr.responseText.trim(); if(JSONreponse=="ERR"){ spinnerStopCancellable(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').hide(); document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation').files = null; document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation_lbl').innerHTML = 'Choisir le fichier depuis l\'ordinateur'; getAlertDanger("Une erreur s'est produite, veuillez réessayer avec un autre fichier"); }else if(JSONreponse=="ERR_NOT_CONNECTED"){ //jQuery('#infoBoxListePage_connect').show(); TipNotConnected(); }else{ $('#fichiercharge').remove(); $('#chargementde').remove(); $('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); reponses = JSON.parse(JSONreponse); reponsesMots = reponses.mots; suggestiontitres(files[0].name, 'mp3'); /** SG 21/10/2021 : POUR CACHER LA BOX QD RESULTAT AFFICHÉ **/ if($('.external_recommendationbox').length){ /** SG 22/10/2021 : POUR PROGRESS BAR EXTERNAL_RECOMMENDATION **/ $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').width('100%'); $('.external_recommendationbox').hide(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').width('0%'); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').hide(); $('#file_external_recommendation').val(''); document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation_lbl').innerHTML = 'Déposer votre fichier ici.'; } } }; if (tests.progress) { $('progress').show(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').show(); spinnerStart(); xhr.upload.onprogress = function (event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { var complete = (event.loaded / * 100 | 0); if(complete!=100){ $('#recogdiv').each(function(){$(this).remove();}); } /** SG 22/10/2021 : PR PROGRESS BAR EXTERNAL_RECOMMENDATION **/ if($('#progress_external_recommendation_file').length){ $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').width((event.loaded/*100)+'%'); } progress.value = progress.innerHTML = complete; } } } xhr.send(formData); } } //--- //- recog readfiles //--- readfiles_image = function(files) { var formData = tests.formdata ? new FormData() : null; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (tests.formdata) formData.append('file', files[i]); // previewfile(files[i]); en commentaire pcq nom du fichier pas important et pas beau } formData.set('lang','fr'); // now post a new XHR request if (tests.formdata) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/ajax/get_keywords_from_brief.php'); xhr.onload = function() { progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 100; }; xhr.onloadend = function() { JSONreponse= xhr.responseText.trim(); if(JSONreponse=="ERR"){ spinnerStopCancellable(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').hide(); document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation').files = null; document.getElementById('file_external_recommendation_lbl').innerHTML = 'Choisir le fichier depuis l\'ordinateur'; getAlertDanger("XXXXXUne erreur s'est produite, veuillez réessayer avec un autre fichier"); }else if(JSONreponse=="ERR_NOT_CONNECTED"){ //jQuery('#infoBoxListePage_connect').show(); TipNotConnected(); }else{ $('#fichiercharge').remove(); $('#chargementde').remove(); $('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); var parsedRes = JSON.parse(JSONreponse); var div_error = document.getElementById('external_brief_errors'); if ( parsedRes.error !== undefined ) { var txt_error = "Erreur : "; if ( parsedRes.error == "brief_empty" ) { txt_error += "Votre brief est vide"; } else if ( parsedRes.error == "brief_too_long" ) { txt_error += "Votre brief est trop long, il doit faire au maximum 1000 caractères"; } div_error.innerHTML = txt_error; = 'block'; spinnerStop(); } else { div_error.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; var responseJSON = parsedRes; var response = responseJSON; var url = "/liste_resultats.php?"; var params = []; var tab_mots = []; for( var valou of response ) { params.push("mot[]=" + encodeURI(valou + "@@@@" + valou + "@@@@" + valou)); tab_mots.push(valou); } if ( params.length == 0 ) { div_error.innerHTML = 'Aucun résultats trouvés, veuillez réessayer plus tard.'; = 'block'; spinnerStop(); return; } url += params.join("&"); xajax_check_multiple_words(tab_mots.join(' '), [], false, true, false, ''); //window.location.href = url; } } }; if (tests.progress) { $('progress').show(); $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').show(); spinnerStart(); xhr.upload.onprogress = function (event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { var complete = (event.loaded / * 100 | 0); if(complete!=100){ $('#recogdiv').each(function(){$(this).remove();}); } /** SG 22/10/2021 : PR PROGRESS BAR EXTERNAL_RECOMMENDATION **/ if($('#progress_external_recommendation_file').length){ $('#progress_external_recommendation_file').width((event.loaded/*100)+'%'); } progress.value = progress.innerHTML = complete; } } } xhr.send(formData); } } //--- //- afficherPanneauEntree //--- afficherPanneauEntree = function(){ var zeObj = $('#header-search-query'); if(zeObj.val()!=""){ $('#boiteAdviceRico').show(500); } } //--- //- jelancenoresult //--- jelancenoresult = function(){ in_search=false; $('#msgdbg').text($("#header-search-query").attr('value')); spinnerStart(); //xajax_check_multiple_words($("#header-search-query").attr('value'), xajax.getFormValues('search_form')); }; var mytimeoutrb; var randomPercent = 0 randomBar = function( ){ randomPercent = randomPercent + 5 if(randomPercent > 100) { randomPercent = 0 } progress = document.getElementById('uploadprogress'); progress.value = progress.innerHTML = randomPercent; mytimeoutrb = setTimeout( function(){randomBar( );} , 300); } todoOnKeyDown = function(zeObj,e){ $carousel_gallery_home.flickity('pausePlayer'); /** le moteur suggest est désactivé quand on tape une touche, cela empeche le masque "Entrée" de s'afficher, et lance le timeout de 3 secondes pour l'ouvrir **/ spinnerStop(); clearTimeout(timeoutAfficherPanneauEntree); in_search=true; timeoutAfficherPanneauEntree = setTimeout(function(){afficherPanneauEntree();},3000); //var kc=e.keyCode; var kc = e.key || e.code; if(kc=="Enter" || kc==13 || kc==37 || kc==38 || kc==39 || kc==40 || zeObj.value=='' || zeObj.value.indexOf('?+')!=-1){ spinnerStop(); } if($('#btn_external_recommendation').length > 0){ /** SG 21/20/2021 : POUR CACHER BOUTON external_recommendation QD QQUE CHOSE DE TAPER **/ if((zeObj.value).length>0){ /////16/04/2024 Eric / on ne le retire plus. : document.getElementById('btn_external_recommendation').style.display = 'none'; }else{ document.getElementById('btn_external_recommendation').style.display = 'flex'; } } if(( kc==13 || kc=='Enter') && zeObj.value!='' ){ var r = $(".text-tags .text-label").map( function(){return $(this).text();}).get().join(' '); if(r!=''){ var phrase=r + ' ' + zeObj.value; }else{ var phrase=zeObj.value; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/ajax/check_is_prompt.php", data: { phrase: phrase, langue: 'fr' } }).done(function(reponse) { if (reponse === "OK") { /**vider le formulaire de recherche**/ empty_search_form(); /**appeler la fonction de recommandation par brief**/ searchExternalRecommendationFromBrief(phrase); } else { //bouton entrée tappé fct_menuzonehidden(); spinnerStart(); clearTimeout('jelancelenoresultdansxsecondes'); xajax_check_multiple_words(phrase, xajax.getFormValues('search_form')); } }); }else if(( kc==13 || kc=='Enter') && zeObj.value==''){ fct_menuzonehidden(); } } todoOnBlur = function(zeObj,e){ var v = zeObj.value; $carousel_gallery_home.flickity('pausePlayer'); spinnerStop(); clearTimeout(timeoutAfficherPanneauEntree); in_search=true; timeoutAfficherPanneauEntree = setTimeout(function(){afficherPanneauEntree();},3000); spinnerStop(); /** SG 24/10/2023 : POUR CACHER BOUTON external_recommendation QD QQUE CHOSE DE TAPER **/ if($('#btn_external_recommendation').length > 0){ if((zeObj.value).length>0){ /////16/04/2024 Eric / on ne le retire plus. : document.getElementById('btn_external_recommendation').style.display = 'none'; }else{ document.getElementById('btn_external_recommendation').style.display = 'flex'; } } if(v!=''){ fct_menuzonehidden(); spinnerStart(); clearTimeout('jelancelenoresultdansxsecondes'); zeObj.value = ''; var r = $(".text-tags .text-label").map( function(){return $(this).text();}).get().join(' '); var phrase = ''; if ( r!='' ) { phrase = r + ' ' + v; } else { phrase = v; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/ajax/check_is_prompt.php", data: { phrase: phrase, langue: 'fr' } }).done(function(reponse) { if (reponse === "OK") { /**vider le formulaire de recherche**/ empty_search_form(); /**appeler la fonction de recommandation par brief**/ searchExternalRecommendationFromBrief(phrase); } else { //bouton entrée tappé fct_menuzonehidden(); spinnerStart(); clearTimeout('jelancelenoresultdansxsecondes'); xajax_check_multiple_words(phrase, xajax.getFormValues('search_form')); ////////show_bpm_key_zone("search"); } }); } else { //fct_menuzonehidden(); //remettre cette ligne si problème sur le onblur //SG 03/11/2023 : afin que la cartouche ne se ferme plus au onblur de l'input et que le bouton ai search se cache quand des mots sont présents dans l'input var r = $(".text-tags .text-label").map( function(){return $(this).text();}).get().join(' '); if ( r!="" ) { /////16/04/2024 Eric / on ne le retire plus. : $("#btn_external_recommendation").hide(); } else { if (document.getElementsByClassName('recogbutton').length == 0) { fct_menuzonehidden(); } } } } //Tooltip sur liste track search v4 pour les recommandations tooltip_menu_media = function(button,id_media,content){ $('.tooltip_menu_recommandation').removeClass('persistent').fadeOut(); //CONTENT:: id="tooltiprecommandation_072844" const $tooltip = $("#"+content+"_" + id_media); $tooltip.stop(true, true).fadeIn(); // Stop toute animation en cours et montre le tooltip $tooltip.addClass('persistent'); //on charge pour ce contenu le code pour la region if(content === "tooltiprecommandation"){ if (!myPlaylist || typeof myPlaylist.playlist !== 'object') { //console.error("myPlaylist.playlist n'est pas un objet valide."); return; } // Convertir en tableau //--si c'est la grosse playlist avec les alternates if (String(id_media).startsWith("0")) { //console.log("alt"); id_media_alt = String(id_media).slice(1); // Supprime le premier caractère pos = $('#boxcontrol_'+id_media_alt).attr('curposition'); //--sinon c'est la petite playlist celle au chargement de la page }else{ const playlistValues = Object.values(myPlaylist.playlist); // Rechercher l'index const index = myPlaylist.playlist.findIndex( item => String(item.id_media) === id_media ); if (index !== -1) { const currentItem = playlistValues[index]; pos = index; //console.log("Index trouvé :", index, "Données :", currentItem); } } //console.log("Index trouvé :", pos, "Données :", myPlaylist.playlist[pos]); from_last_click ="recommandationedit"; window.setCurrentSongLOAD(pos); //createRegion(regionStart, regionEnd, readOnly,loop,maxLength,id) //id=time-total recup le timing setTimeout(() => { let dureetrack = $("#time-total").html(); let [minutesDT, secondsDT] = dureetrack.split(':').map(Number); let newseconds = (minutesDT * 60) + secondsDT; console.log(newseconds); window.createRegion('0', newseconds, 'false', 'false', '', 'recommandation_' + id_media); }, 150); $tooltip.on("click", ".Ttr_validate", function (e) { let timingdebut = $tooltip.find('.Ttr_timingdebut').val(); let timingfin = $tooltip.find('.Ttr_timingfin').val(); console.log(timingdebut+" "+timingfin+" Suivant"); closeTooltip_media(id_media); }); } // Gestion des délais pour le masquage let hideTimeout; // Quand la souris quitte le bouton $(button).on("mouseout", function () { hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!$":hover") && !$tooltip.hasClass("persistent")) { $tooltip.fadeOut(); } }, 200); }); // Quand la souris entre dans le tooltip $tooltip.on("mouseover", function () { clearTimeout(hideTimeout); // Annuler le délai de masquage si la souris entre dans le tooltip }); // Quand la souris quitte le tooltip $tooltip.on("mouseout", function () { hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!$":hover") && !$tooltip.hasClass("persistent")) { $tooltip.fadeOut(); } }, 200); }); //$tooltip.fadeOut(); } function closeTooltip_media(id_media='') { let $tooltip; if(id_media!=''){ $tooltip = $("#tooltiprecommandation_"+id_media); }else{ $tooltip = $(this).closest(".tooltip_menu_recommandation"); } $tooltip.removeClass("persistent").fadeOut(); if(from_last_click === "recommandationedit"){ from_last_click = 'public'; fctclearRegions(); const $tooltip = $(this).closest(".tooltip_menu_recommandation"); $tooltip.find('.Ttr_timingdebut').val(''); $tooltip.find('.Ttr_timingfin').val(''); } } launch_recommendation = function(localurl,last_item_played){ let logged_in = false; jQuery.ajax({url: "/ajax/check_conn.php", type: "GET", async: false, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ logged_in = JSONreponseFromAjax; }} ); var cookiepubai = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?no_pub_ai=([^;]*)(;|$)'); var test_pubai = false; if ( cookiepubai !== null ) { test_pubai = cookiepubai[2]; } //SG 14/11/2023 : si pas connecté, on affiche la popup de pub pour les fonctionnalités complémentaires de l'IA // if ( logged_in != "OK" && !test_pubai ) { ///pour l'instant on met ça de côté ... TipNotConnectedPubAi(false); // } $('progress').hide(); spinnerStart(); /**on supprime le div de recog, vu que l'on va en charger un nouveau**/ jQuery('#recogdiv').remove(); if ( !$('body').hasClass('mobile') ) { randomBar( ); } jQuery.ajax({url: "/recog/upload.php", type: "POST", data : {localurl: localurl, id_media: last_item_played,lang:'fr'}, success: function(JSONreponseFromAjax){ if(JSONreponseFromAjax=="ERR"){ $('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); }else if(JSONreponseFromAjax=="ERR_NOT_CONNECTED"){ TipNotConnected(); $('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); }else if(JSONreponseFromAjax.match(/^ERR_/) ){ $('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); clearTimeout(mytimeoutrb); }else { clearTimeout(mytimeoutrb); if ( !$('body').hasClass('mobile') ) { progress = document.getElementById('uploadprogress'); progress.value = progress.innerHTML = 0; } jQuery('progress').hide(); spinnerStop(); reponses = JSON.parse(JSONreponseFromAjax); reponsesMots = reponses.mots; JSONreponse = JSONreponseFromAjax; suggestiontitres(last_item_played,'equal'); } } }); } //--- //- changeScrollHeight //--- changeScrollHeight = function() { var h = parseInt(window.prompt('Please type new scroll height (number in pixels):', jQuery.Autocompleter.defaults.scrollHeight)); if(h > 0) { $("#suggest1").setOptions({ scrollHeight: h }); } } //--- //- focus_header_search_query //--- focus_header_search_query = function(){ //$("#header-search-query").trigger("activate.autocomplete"); $("#header-search-query").click(); } //--- //- RemoveAccents //--- RemoveAccents = function(strAccents) { var strAccents = strAccents.split(''); var strAccentsOut = new Array(); var strAccentsLen = strAccents.length; var accents = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëðÇçÐÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÑñŠšŸÿýŽž'; var accentsOut = "AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeeCcDIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuNnSsYyyZz"; for (var y = 0; y < strAccentsLen; y++) { if (accents.indexOf(strAccents[y]) != -1) { strAccentsOut[y] = accentsOut.substr(accents.indexOf(strAccents[y]), 1); } else strAccentsOut[y] = strAccents[y]; } strAccentsOut = strAccentsOut.join(''); //return strAccentsOut.replace(/ +/,"-"); strAccentsOut=strAccentsOut.replace(/'/g,"-").replace(/&+/g," ").replace(/ +/g,"-").replace(/\-+/,'-'); return strAccentsOut; } //--- //- addAlbumAndLaunch //--- addAlbumAndLaunch = function(id_album,e,f){ e.after(""); f.submit(); } //--- //- launchSearch //--- launchSearch = function(){ jQuery('.loupe').click(); } /**tout ce qui se rapoporte au filtrage par bpm et key**/ load_bpm_key_slider = function(){ jQuery('#slider').slider({ range: true, min: 10, max: 300, step: 1, values: [ 10, 300 ], slide: function( event, ui ) { jQuery('.slider-min').html(ui.values[ 0 ]); jQuery('.slider-max').html(ui.values[ 1 ]); }, change: function( event, ui ) { var min = ui.values[ 0 ]; var max = ui.values[ 1 ]; jQuery('#customFilterBpm').val(''); jQuery.ajax({ url: '/ajax/ajax_search_filters.php?minbpm='+min+'&maxbpm='+max} ).done(function(){ var only_word_search = jQuery('#search_form').serialize().replace('search_external_recommendation_youtube=&search_external_recommendation_brief=', ''); const url_params = new URLSearchParams(; const id_media_str = url_params.get('id_media_str'); var tmp_url = ""; if ( id_media_str !== null ) { tmp_url = '/liste_resultats.php?id_media_str='+id_media_str+'&randkeybpm='+Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); }else if(only_word_search!=''){ tmp_url = '/liste_resultats.php?'+jQuery('#search_form').serialize()+'&randkeybpm='+Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); } goLaunchAjaxify(tmp_url,'#searchlink','search_' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)); }); } }); } -->